

When we opened our doors in November 1912, 我们成为了全国第一家隶属于学术研究机构——约翰霍普金斯大学的儿科医院. And for more than a century, 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心一直在推动美国儿科医学的发展,发展出世界一流的水平, 同情心和全面的护理,支持个人孩子以及整个家庭. 了解更多全球十大外围足球平台开发和提供革命性药物品牌的历史.

Meet the innovators 过去和现在,他们一直在开发和提供我们革命性的药物品牌.

Harriet Lane portrait

Harriet Lane and Henry Johnston: Pediatric Medicine is Born of Grief

巴尔的摩银行家亨利·约翰斯顿和他的妻子哈里特·莱恩在19世纪末将他们的财产遗赠给约翰·霍普金斯大学,以建立一个治疗患病儿童的家,并推进儿科疾病的研究. Their own two sons had died in childhood from rheumatic fever. 1912年,新的哈里特·莱恩残疾儿童之家在霍普金斯开业, it was a model of its time. 该家庭不仅为患有传染病的儿童提供电力和隔离翼, 但合并了实验室,以发现这个时代最大的儿科祸害的治疗方法, such as rheumatic fever, polio and rickets. 约翰斯顿夫妇的慷慨捐赠与约翰霍普金斯医学院(Johns Hopkins Medical School)的倡议相结合,创建了一个儿童护理中心,将儿科医学的实践从相对默默无闻的医学界推向了聚光灯下.
Howland at Children's Center

John Howland: Moving Cures from the Lab to the Bedside

In 1912, The Johns Hopkins Hospital appointed John Howland, M.D., as chairman of its newly opened Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children, Hopkins Children’s predecessor. Howland致力于通过应用定量分析和化学技术来发现儿童疾病的原因和治疗方法,从而扩大儿科医学的范围. Howland contributed to the study of Rickets, where he proved the effectiveness of cod-liver oil as a preventive measure. 

Edward Park, M.D., the 3rd director of the Harriet Lane Home

Edwards A. Park: Pioneering Comprehensive Pediatrics

Pediatrician Edwards A. Park, M.D.1927年至1946年,是哈里特·莱恩之家的第三任院长,也是约翰·豪兰的继任者. As pediatrician in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, he pioneered a holistic approach to the medical care of children, combining it with intense research, training and community outreach. 目前,霍普金斯大学的儿科部门仍然采用帕克开创的方式. 作为一名科学家,他发现了预防佝偻病的维生素D. 

Historical photo of Dr. Leo Kanner

Leo Kanner: Father of Child Psychiatry

Leo Kanner, M.D.被广泛认为是儿童精神病学作为一门专业的创始人之一. An early advocate of psychiatric care for children, Kanner was appointed to head Johns Hopkins’ Behavior Clinic in 1931, 他在哪里工作,为他的同事和公众澄清常见的儿童行为问题. He not only increased awareness for early infantile autism (Kanner syndrome), 但他也记录了对智障人士的剥削. His textbook, Child Psychiatry, published in 1935, 第一本关注儿童精神问题的英语教科书是什么. 

Dr. 海伦·陶西格,哈丽特·莱恩之家心脏诊所的第一位女主任

Helen Taussig: Restoring Life to Blue Babies

在因性别歧视被哈佛医学院拒绝后,海伦·陶西格(Helen Taussig)博士.D., was appointed director of the Harriet Lane Home’s Cardiac Clinic. 虽然最出名的是帮助开发了Blalock-Taussig所谓的蓝宝宝修复法洛四联症手术, 陶西格的兴趣从风湿热的研究和治疗到沙利度胺的危险性, a widely used drug at the time. Having achieved national recognition as a pediatric cardiologist, 她成为第一位担任美国心脏协会主席的女性和第一位儿科医生.

Dr. Blalock with a portrait of a blue-baby patient on the wall

Alfred Blalock: Heart Surgery for Children Becomes a Reality

In 1941, at the suggestion of Johns Hopkins pediatric cardiologist Helen Taussig, 外科医生阿尔弗雷德·布莱洛克和他的助手维维安·托马斯发明了首例蓝色婴儿手术, demonstrating that heart surgery was possible in children. The technique would save thousands of young lives. Blalock成为约翰霍普金斯医院外科的主任,并建立了儿科心血管外科作为部门专业. 


Vivien Thomas: “Something the Lord Made”

A longtime technician for Johns Hopkins surgeon Alfred Blalock, M.D., 维维安·托马斯对布洛洛克-陶西格"蓝宝宝"行动的发展至关重要, 帮助挽救了无数患有先天性心脏病的儿童的生命. 作为Blalock的外科助理,Thomas为他提供了一些想法并构建了手术工具, who would first perform the revolutionary surgery in 1941. 1976年,约翰霍普金斯大学授予托马斯法学博士学位. A modern TV movie, Something the Lord Made, 讲述了托马斯杰出的职业生涯,以及将他和他的同事们列入医学史的手术.

Janet Hardy, first director of newborn surgery at Johns Hopkins

Janet Hardy: Mapping the Effects of Environment

In 1946, Janet Hardy, M.D., 成为第一位在约翰·霍普金斯大学指导新生儿保育室的儿科医生, 最终领导了早产儿托儿所和结核病的长期研究. In an era of limited awareness regarding infants, she formulated an intensive program of care for premature babies. 她对城市家庭的广泛社会学研究帮助建立了针对经济上被剥夺权利的公共项目,并激发了对环境对儿童健康影响的进一步调查.

Barton Childs relaxes on his desk

Barton Childs: Genetics and Human Disease

哈丽特·莱恩之家和霍普金斯儿童医院(其前身)备受赞誉的教师和榜样, Barton Childs, M.D.作为遗传学在人类疾病中发挥关键作用的早期倡导者,他在全国享有盛名. 他因帮助将医学遗传学研究作为美国医学院普通课程的一部分而受到赞誉. His visionary text, Genetic Medicine: A Logic of Disease, was published in 1999.