

产前胎儿状况的诊断可能是令人困惑和压倒性的. The compassionate and experienced physicians of the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy will work with you to understand your diagnosis and treatment options. 我们与母亲合作, neonatal and pediatric experts to provide comprehensive care that ensures the best outcomes for both mom and baby.

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Referring Providers

Call 1-844-JH-FETAL (1-844-543-3825)找医生

Learn more about 我们如何与转诊医生合作


  • 10


    10 years at the forefront of fetal diagnosis and therapy to provide compassionate care throughout the patient’s parenthood care journey

  • 4,306

    Patients Referred


  • 1,500




On Saturday, Aug. 5, 2023, the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy team hosted their Fifth Annual Family Picnic. 受疫情影响,这是自2019年以来首次聚会. Watch as parents of children who received a diagnosis of a fetal anomaly discuss their gratitude for the successful treatment they received from the Center for Fetal Therapy team.

baschat with baby

Why Choose Us?


  • A family-centered approach to care where we empower our patients to be partners in their treatment and prioritize both maternal and fetal health.
  • An expert team of fetal surgeons who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a range of fetal conditions, including 先天性膈疝, spina bifida and 复杂的单绒毛膜双胞胎使用最先进的胎儿干预程序.
  • Evidence-based treatment plans informed by our research into how to deliver the best outcomes for both mom and baby.
  • A multidisciplinary care team that provides coordinated care from diagnosis and pre-birth intervention, 交付和超越.


The diagnosis of a 先天性膈疝 (CDH) prior to delivery can be confusing and overwhelming. Learn about the Johns Hopkins Fetal Center and our family-centered approach to care from Ahmet Baschat, 胎儿治疗中心主任, pediatric surgeons Shaun Kunisaki and Alejandro Garcia and pediatric cardiologist Melanie Nies.


Join the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy Facebook group to find more patient stories, 关于我们最新突破的故事和即将发生的事件.

We Are Here For You

The Center for Fetal Therapy remains open and committed to families diagnosed with fetal conditions. 我们正在采取一切可能的预防措施来保护推荐十大正规网赌平台的安全. 我们现在的推荐十大正规网赌平台可以通过电话全球十大外围足球平台, myChart messaging and video visits to discuss your treatment plan and answer any questions you may have. Our team is also offering telemedicine consults to new patients who want to learn more about our center.


For Physicians

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At the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy, physician referral is a handshake, not a hand off. 如果你正在照顾一个面临复杂胎儿诊断的推荐十大正规网赌平台,打电话 1-844-JH-FETAL (1-844-543-3825) and speak directly to a physician to learn how we can partner to deliver comprehensive care.

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Make a Gift

Your donation helps to support families now and in the future as we look to advance medicine, 治疗方法和新发现.